"seven virtues and seven sins"

here is a list of seven virtues and seven
sins (from wikipedia/seven deadly sins), that are perhaps
most often associated with either christianity or catholicism.

an interesting way, perhaps, of looking at the seven pairs, is regarding them as 'seven potentially damaging ailments,' and their opposites as 'potentially freeing remedies.' what is, while one's essence/soul/atma is not sinful, when one's mind, attention, or consciousness becomes strongly preoccupied or overcome with the seven leftmost items — that is, when these ideas are quite strongly manifest in one's life — then this may indicate that one is not loving oneself or others, well. a strong consciousness of (or preoccupation with) the seven leftmost items might be damaging to one's sense of self worth, body, and relationships (i.e. one's ability to seek and receive love from others in a positive, healthful, mutually beneficial or un-damaging way).

there are many ways to move from the left to the right column. some of these ways include: focusing more on the rightmost items, reducing or eliminating (where medically possible) consumption of certain items in our diet (such as: meat, or moderating consumption of onion and garlic), reciting or listening to a mantra or holy phrase, focusing on cultivating contentment, shanti/inner peace, genuine self acceptance/love, learning acceptance of the body's sensations as sensations of the body apart from any particular context, and seeking to feel greater wellness, love, and comfort within one's own skin), might also be helpful in alleviating any inner burdens, discontent, or unhappiness that may arise from feeling overburdened any of the leftmost items. sometimes, for some of the items on the left, a little/moderate bit of chocolate can help one gain a clearer perspective. notably, however, chocolate is not recommended as part of a daily or weekly diet! please enjoy it with wisdom.

for more information on sins and virtues, you might try this link, or explore beliefnet's (multi-faith) sin series.

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